Every Detail Matters

The hallmark of an experienced customs broker is attention to detail. At GES we pay attention to all the details and utilize our experience, regulatory expertise and the latest technology to help you ensure that your supply chain remains compliant. Our brokerage team participates in Customs automated programs and we extend this technological expertise to you. With GES you always know the status of your shipments.

At Globe Express Services, we understand the importance of a highly compliant customs brokerage program. Explore your range of customs brokerage and global freight management service options.


- 提供订舱、租船、报关、堆场装箱、产地装箱、商检、动植物检、危险品申报、仓储及地面运输服务及运输咨询业务。

- 提供整箱货、拼箱货、散杂货、超限货、鲜活、冷藏、危险品和普通化工品运输服务。

- 提供相关的货物清关、提货、送货等门到门服务。

- 代理海运运输保险业务。

- 提供海运货物的实时信息跟踪反馈服务。