
海空联运: 公司以青岛,威海,烟台为中心,通过韩国仁川, 以及阿联酋


 1:青岛港------ 仁川港------ 仁川空港---到欧洲 ,美国,以及中南美各地

 2; 青岛港----- 迪拜---迪拜空港- ----欧洲各地

 3:威海港------ 仁川港------ 仁川空港---到欧洲 ,美:加,以及中南美各地

 4:烟台港------ 仁川港------ 仁川空港---到欧洲 ,美:加,以及中南美各地

Forwarding Worldwide believes that “Corporate Responsibility” relates to the way in which an organization meet its wider economic, social, and environmental obligations, both to employees and to other interest groups including customers, suppliers, investors, and local communities. It includes, but is not limited to, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Environmental Responsibilities, Health and Safety, Social Responsibilities, and Security,

JAS Forwarding Worldwide recognizes that its operations and services have a wider impact on, and can therefore contribute to, the society in which it operates, and aims to take this into account by taking appropriate actions, as outlined in this policy, that are over and above compliance with minimum legal requirements.