
We provide comprehensive door-to-door and door-to-port services. We have a variety of modes of transportation and distribution, including steam transportation, inland air transportation, railway transportation, inland river shipping and combined transportation. Transport demand according to the customer and the goods attribute, planning the most suitable mode of transportation, transport routes and means of delivery, and provide the corresponding level of transportation and delivery services, to ensure customer in such aspects as time, cost and service to overall satisfaction.     To satisfy customers the flow of goods in the regional scale, U-way provide national primary and secondary cities and main level 3 city of city distribution, city distribution) services, based in distribution center around the radiation which covered an area of a, secondary cities and major regional distribution of three cities service, and express mail, Courier, car distribution, long distance transfers and supporting information feedback, cod and other services; Through our strong information system management, the electronic distribution information, delivery cost system. We can deliver goods on time and accurately. And control the cost accurately. Reduce the delivery cost and shorten the delivery time; Shorten the time of capital withdrawal and speed up capital turnover.业务咨询:   我司致力于提供一系列进出口海运服务。多年来力求完美、精益求精的经营方针,使我们在海运业务上积累了丰富的经验,配合全球性货运网络,纵然面对任何艰巨的运输项目,均能从容应付。    我们一直深信优质服务源自细心分析顾客需要。因此,公司在设定方案过程中,所选用的每项服务均根据顾客特定的需要而精心筹划,务求全面配合顾客整体业务发展,以提升其成本效益及生产力为己任。我们办理上海、内地口岸往来世界各大港口的货物海运。能充分照顾客户多方面需要,包括整柜、拼箱、订舱、货物保险、清关、存库及即时货物分送和利用电脑处理文件及提供物流讯息等,务求令顾客使用我们服务时更感称心满意。该业务预定船期,整柜拼箱,价格合理,航线齐全。  海空联运:佳宜拥有一批工作经验丰富的职员,熟悉国际运输的各个环节,熟 知国际贸易的一般操作惯例。了解国内各个港口海关、码头的办事规程 和运作,以较强的应变能力和敬业精神尽心尽力地为客户提供最优质的服务。 由于我司货量的增加,使我们的运输成本不断降低,因而也有更大的让利 空间来回报客户    尤其在韩国、日本、美国、中南美、等航线具有强大的竞争优势。 我们于世界各地均设有完善的代理,可为贵司的货物安排门到门的一站式贴 身服务。海运进/出口: