
主要承办进出口货物的海运、空运等国际货物运输代理业务;我公司经过长期努力在货运服务行业积累了丰富的经验和良好的口碑。并与COSCO、EMC、CMA、PIL、MSK等多家船公司建立了密切的长期合作关系。多年来,我公司在新老客户、同行、船公司的大力支持下不断发展并壮大。我们深信并恪守一个企业要做精、做强, 不仅要具备有竞争力的价格,更应具备优质的服务和高素质的团队。因为专业所以专业, 订制化服务,解决客人物流方面等难题,为货物提速,为客人分忧.是新众利人一直的服务宗旨. LCL Service (Inland Point)Fight can be divided into straight fight or fight fight, straight fight is to fight the container within the container cargo handling in the same port, the goods arrive at the port of destination before unpacking, the goods for the same port of discharge. Such a fight LCL service period is short, convenient and efficient, the general strength of the fight will provide only such a service cabinet. Transshipment refers to the container is not the same port of destination of goods, need to unload or transshipment in the middle of unpacking. Such goods due to different destinations, waiting for a long time and other factors, so the transport period is longer, or even high freight.